Plant & Soil Sciences eLibraryPRO
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What is 'My Communities'?

eLibrary 'My Communities' is a portal for you to use eLibrary to its fullest extent.

Once you register you get can access the following features:

  1. As a student you can register and access collections that are compiled by your instructors.
  2. As an instructor you can create your own collections using the existing lessons and quizzes and/or adding your own quizzes along with other web 2.0 features.
  3. Post feedback to the authors.
  4. Create your own blogs with your notes.
  5. Create study groups and a self learning collection.

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Create activities for your moodle courses. Moodle Go to moodle
Select and group e-Library Lessons to create your own package... My Communities
Community Blogs Community Media

My Joined Communities

My Blogs - a journal of my thoughts... My Blogs
My Comments - my thoughts expressed as a feedback... My Comments
Classes that I am taking Registered Classes
Class Blogs Class Media
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